USFP has been on the forefront of research into the biological role of milk in the development of the body from infancy through old age.
Milk has a role in immunity, growth, development, and biological availability. As an outcome of this research, USFP has isolated the most essential elements required to help facilitate the healthy “remodeling” (tearing down and rebuilding) of bone in a manner that uses the natural processes in the body. This is accomplished by helping promote the stimulation and regulation of hormones and enzymes that help gentle alignment of the bone tear-down and rebuilding.
From this perspective, the focus on formulations were tested for safety and performance. Healthy results were our target. After establishing safety, we wanted to document performance. We tested in conjunction with medical research centers, including leading universities. From these centers, volunteers were recruited who were 55+ year post-menopausal women. This is important because many drug related studies at many leading research centers use young men and women as test subjects to improve their results.
From this perspective, we gained important results while at the same time receiving no reports of significant adverse medical events. This process validates our results and the fact that we have been able to create a safe, valuable, and effective complex that promotes bone remodeling to help rebuild healthy bone.
Bone Mass Density Study
Demonstrated 8% gain in bone mass over a 2-year period of taking Bonesse consistently.
Studied 80 patients ranging in age from 62–81 with a T-score of –2.5 to –2.9.
Results indicate patients gained 8% bone mass over a 2-year period as measured by quantitative ultrasound (QUS) and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), commonly called bone densitometry.
normal bone: T-score of + 1 to – 1
osteopenia: T-score –1 to – 2.4
osteoporosis: – 2.5 and lower
Bone Collagen Loss Study
Biomarker study shows that those who are at the highest risk see improvement within 90 days of taking Bonesse consistently.
Tests detecting cross-linked nano-telopeptide of Type 1 collagen (NTx) indicate loss of bone collagen in urine. This loss occurs only when bone is being deconstructed during resorption. While some collagen in urine is normal and healthy as bone turnover exhausts “old” collagen, elevated rates indicate bone loss. Unlike DXa testing, which takes 2 years to show results, NTx biomarker testing can show results in weeks or months.
The results of this 12-week study indicate that Bonesse showed a significant decrease in collagen loss for peri- and post-menopausal subjects, with the subjects at greatest loss experiencing the greatest benefit. All subjects returned to normal, healthy levels of bone collagen present in urine.
Bioavailability Study
Taking GemiCol consistently within Bonesse showed an increase in vital bone-forming agents in blood serum.
Blood serum tests are typically used to determine the level of nutrients in blood. Reduced levels may indicate a lack of calcium and/or other nutrients available for building healthy bones and other tissues. Our tests in healthy adults compared blood serum nutrient levels over a 24 hr. period. Bonesse versus typical calcium supplements were given.
The results indicate that Bonesse provided vital bone forming nutrients including the minerals magnesium and phosphorus, as well as calcium, in the blood serum. By comparison, the results from a typical calcium supplement showed only the presence of calcium in blood serum.
The study subjects reported no side effects.